Imagine an exercise system that has the ability to empower you with better health, a flatter stomach, increased flexibility, improved posture and mobility, along with an overall feeling of wellbeing!
Many exercise regimes promise this and much more and you have probably tried them all at some stage, but have you tried pilates? Pilates is an exercise system that will deliver amazing results. It does however take practice, patience, routine and time as most other systems do!
From the Hollywood buzz that has surrounded Pilates over recent years, it has evolved into a sound exercise alternative for many people who welcome the many benefits and opportunity to enhance their everyday lives.
What is Pilates?
Pilates is based on a body-conditioning program emphasising the inner core unit (deep abdominals and back muscles).
Historically in 1912, a German physician named Joseph Pilates studied various forms of movement in a wide range of activities ranging from yoga, ballet, martial arts and even animal behaviour. Through this study he developed his own unique conditioning exercise program. Initially his program was used to enhance the performance of dancers and also used in the rehabilitation of back injuries.
Pilates as we know it today has been refined into a safe, effective, user friendly program that caters for the beginner, advanced, elite and rehab participant.
Through a combination of movements pilates creates balance within our bodies.
Emphasis is placed on a series of stretching, strengthening, exercises that will enable you to learn to recruit the deep muscles of the abdominals, and pelvic floor, while maintaining stabilisation in other areas of the body for example the shoulder girdle. Each movement is coached from the core and in turn assists in the development of increased strength.
The Benefits of Pilates
Pilates has the power to help eliminate many postural, habitual or genetic factors that can inhibit our ability to perform every day tasks effectively.
Pilates can assist to decrease the following conditions -
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Weight gain
Depression and anxiety
Over time it will assist in the development of a stonger, more mobile, self-aware system.Pilates will enhance the way you walk, how you perform your work, sport and everyday activities, ultimately leading to an increased overall mental awareness of how your body moves.
Class structure
Class structure is based on simple exercises that focus on a series of sound principles –
Concentration - Teaches us to focus on each muscle as they move and to incorporate a mind, body connection.
Centering - Relates to the centre of your body, ribs to hips, front side and back of your torso (the core).
Breathing - Incorporates the importance of breath while we exercise and teaches us correct breathing during each exercise.
Control - Great control makes the exercise happen – focus on the muscle, incorporate concentration, breath and centering. Control is essential for injury prevention.
Precision - Refers to the correct execution of exercise and encourages individuals to work to their own level with an incorporation of mind and body awareness.
Flowing Movement - Muscular control and fluidity while performing each exercise, enhances every day activities.
Isolation - Working a particular muscle, gaining control of muscles through increased strength. Isolation of muscles increases the precision of each movement.
Routine - Relates to the number of repetitions of each performance. Establishing a weekly routine of pilates equals increased results.
To the novice the ability to incorporate all eight principles in the first instance
may seem daunting!
Broken down, each principle is simple and logical. Slowly mastering one principle
at a time is the key to pilates success. Ultimately you will be able to progress
through the fundamentals and develop skill effectively and accurately.
Pilates classes
Most fitness centres and recreation facilities offer Pilates classes.
Participants need to be able to differentiate what class is suited to their fitness or experience level. Beginners in particular need to look for a class suited to their specific needs, as there is much to learn in the initial phases of the program.
Usually numbers in beginner classes are restricted to cater for a more hands on approach by the instructor. This is a great way to learn the basic fundamentals in a non-threatening environment and sets sound knowledge for the future.
Multi level classes tend not to focus on the need of the newcomer as much and provide options for participants who then have to decide which one to take. Beginners may feel the need to “keep up” with others in the class, resulting in poor technique and possible injury.
As Pilates classes are named and structured differently at each centre, always be sure to speak to an instructor to ensure you are attending the right class for you.
Pilates studios
Pilate’s studios offer a more intimate environment for participants. Whether it be a mat or equipment based class, numbers are much smaller and tend to be more personal which is extremely suitable for the novice or rehabilitation client.
Pilates studios offer clients the ability to meet very specific aims and goals by utilising specialised equipment such as reformers, trapeze, rollers and swiss balls.
Programs can be tailored to meet individual needs and classes are often facilitated within physiotherapy centres.
If services are provided by a qualified physiotherapist check with your health insurer as sessions may be partially rebated depending on your level of cover.
One on One
This service ensures a specialised service either from a physiotherapist or qualified Pilates instructor and is an excellent way to be introduced to the fundamentals of Pilates without distraction.
Similarly, a personalised session on the reformer or swiss ball would be extremely beneficial for either an advanced or rehabilitation client.
What do I look for?
When looking to commence a class you should ensure your instructor is qualified with a nationally recognised training provider to ensure your safety and overall wellbeing.
Your instructor must be able to provide you with a safe learning environment that allows you to set and achieve realistic aims and goals, while you progress over time with your fitness and strength.
This in turn will keep you educated, injury free, motivated and coming back for more of the Power of Pilates!
By Marg Anderson - Pilates Instructor (Pilates Inst Australasia)
(Article written for Focus On Magazine)
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