GYMSTICK is a leading international fitness company from Finland and is introducing new and innovative fitness concepts all over the world. Gymsticks fitness collections consist of simple effective tools that anyone can use anywhere, anytime.Gymstick enables you to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle all year round with products suitable for indoor, outdoor and in the water.The fitness range will motivate you to improve your physical condition, sport performance, rehabilitation, weight management and overall wellbeing.
Gymstick Concept and Benefits
There are 640 skeletal muscles in the human body. The larger prime movers and most familiar groups are the Pects, Lats, Delts, Biceps, Triceps, Traps, Quads, Gluts, Hamstrings, Gastroc's and a few more are the so called major muscles. There is also a lot of smaller muscles which are there for support and preparation for exquisite movement in the body. The ability to sequence motor activity requires a progression of muscular involvement from the very deepest muscles proximally to the surface and most distant muscles distally. The smaller stabilisers are "the King" in the human body. When they are working properly, the entire system will work well. If the smaller and more strategic muscles are slow to react, weak or communicating poorly, the process of degeneration, or sudden injury is imminent. With the help of Gymstick both the major and the minor muscles of the body will be trained and the improved muscular balance will lead to a better muscle control.
Muscular endurance and strength:
Developing strength is critical in the protection of the bones, ligaments, and the organs of the body. Strength is important to overcome the earth's gravity so we can successfully move about. The body maintains a primary and secondary restraint system. The primary restraint system is the muscular system. It's job is to protect the secondary restraint system which is the connective tissue or ligaments that provide stability to the bony system. Rehab training must strengthen and protect the primary system of muscles to avoid risking injury to the secondary system. Gymstick provides resistance training for both Type I and Type II fibres in the muscle, also known as slow twitch (Type I) and fast twitch (Type II).
Cardiovascular fitness endurance:
The ability for a muscle or group to perform accurately over a sustained period of time is critical. Fatigue means breakdown of communication, loss of control, poor response and poor stability. Gymstick works to enhance the muscles to perform more accurately over a longer period of time resulting in better posture and performance.
Balance & flexibility & coordination:
Balance is so important because it is the essence of good strength, endurance and power combined. When you have good balance or control of the body, you also have coordination of movement. The ability of a muscle or group to balance the shortening and lengthening contractions of the body with co-contraction of the joints at just the right time contributes to wellbeing and stability. An elderly person trying to raise him/herself from a chair is more likely to fall due to lack of balance and loss of coordinated movements than due to weakness. The more we can provide instability in training to expand the "inner zone of control", the more we move the outer zone "loss of control" away from us. Gymstick challenges the body to make very rapid and accurate movements to improve the control and functionality of our body.
The training of the muscular system for strength alone is not sufficient. Strength should always be a part of rehabilitation but on its' own it will fall short of the goal. Power is the measure of force and the distance of those forces over time. Speed is the key element when the subject of power is introduced. Gymstick trains the body to react rapidly to external stimuli and communicate accurately and quickly within the neuro-muscular system.
Anthrometry – Fat loss:
Fat loss is one of the most important issues for those who want to lose weight. Gymstick muscle training exercises are one of the most efficient ways to get rid of body fat. Working on the major muscle groups and effecting the total body fitness makes the fat loss evident during the exercises. The long lasting series of movements also contribute the fat loss. A loss of 700 calories has been measured after a one-hour Gymstick workout!