Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 Fitspiration - Regenerate Personal Training

Welcome to 2015!
A NEW YEAR of Regenerate Personal Training, better health and wellness.
It’s a given that we always start our year with positive and good intentions.The gym is never as busy as in January and February. It is easy to make a New Year resolution regarding losing weight. It is not easy to implement the resolution if you are not realistic about your goals and plans. Remember it does not make sense to wake on January 1st and commit to the latest fad diet to kick-start your weight loss campaign. 

How will you start your New Year of FITSPIRATION?

I personally think this year will be a great one. If you have the same resolve and plan to keep your positivity flowing then congratulations, you've already made a great head start. 
Make it your resolve in 2015 to follow an educated, well researched approach towards food and exercise, and keep your New Fitness Year on track with these ideas!

1. Be realistic. Create short-term goals that slowly change your lifestyle. Start with daily goals and slowly progress to weekly/ monthly goals. Recording a food and exercise diary are a great idea to keep track of exercise adherence and calorific input and output. You become a lot more responsible when you have to document what goes into your mouth each day. Also writing down and regularly reviewing  your motivational goals will help you monitor self-progression and self-motivation.

2. Mix it up. In 2015 try something new. The big trend in fitness isn't one thing, it's everything. Avoid drudgery, avoid stressing the same muscles and work your entire body by doing a variety of workouts.
"Incorporating several different forms of exercise in a training program can be an excellent way to develop the various components of fitness," according to the American Council on Exercise. If your goal is to lose weight, vary 
your exercise routine - walking one day, lifting weights the next or take a yoga class after that - this keeps your muscles from becoming too efficient at any one exercise.Remember the 3 components of fitness are cardiovascular, strength and flexibility -  try to incorporate them all. 

3. Find what works. If you don't enjoy it, you won't do it. Think about what you like to do, or what you liked to do in the past. Did you love riding your bike or swimming as a kid? Why not let the grown-up in you to rekindle your childhood love. Try a spin class or aquarobics class. Indoor cycling and indoor pools provide no excuse for bad weather situations!
Dance exercise classes come in many forms these days. Give Zumba or Shabam a go. These classes are a great FUN way to get fit. Try some TRX suspension training, BOSU or Ballast Ball sessions or if time poor grab a 30 min core class. Mix it up with some TABATA training for a quick fired way to burn those calories, or release some stress with BodyBalance or Yoga - (always check your instructor’s qualifications).

4. Eat smart, eat simple. The more we learn about food, the poorer we seem to eat. Healthy weight is necessary to maintain good health and common sense eating is the key. Cut sugars and fat. Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle (fresh food generally lines the walls, processed foods are in the aisles). Watch portion size and cut back on alcohol. Think of food + exercise as an equation. If the calories in are always greater than those expended we will never get the right answer or the answer we want!

5. Try the unthinkable. Try running, for instance. An increasing number of people who find their metabolism slowing as they pass 40 are turning to running as a way to keep the weight off. One reason running doesn't seem as arduous anymore could be the inclusion of a walk-to-run program. A walk-to-run program takes non-runners over the course of time, and converts their walks into runs to the point that they can now run easily and comfortably. Use interval systems that change daily to create interest and prove results. For example walk 2min, jog 1min / walk 30 sec, jog 2min. Change ratios until eventually you jog more than you walk. This might just be the thing that will kick your metabolism in the butt.

6. Apply the 5min rule. The 5min rule really works on those days when you just don't have the motivation to exercise. Tell yourself that you will exercise. That once you get started if you feel really bad, or really don't want to you can stop after 5mins. Guaranteed the 5min rule works every time. Within that first  5mins your blood starts pumping, airways open, endorphins kick in, you tell yourself you've made the effort now so why stop. Before you know it you are actually happy you made the effort! 

7. It's a lifestyle, not a quick fix. There's a reason why fad diets quickly fade. Fad diets - promising fast results based on a quick fix - may work in the short term, but once you've dropped those kilos, you're back to your old, bad habits. Programs that focus on changing behaviour have a better chance of helping you lose weight and keep it off. Diets alone don't work. A healthy weight-loss program should promote slow, gradual weight loss, generally 0.5 – 1.0kg a week; offer flexibility in food offerings; and not cut back on your recommended daily allowance of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Foods should come from all food groups and not restrict one food group.

8. Persevere. Losing weight, moving more and adopting a healthier lifestyle aren't easy. It won't happen, in a healthy way, overnight. And studies have shown that most resolutions fall by the wayside before January is over. But if you slip up, don't throw in the towel. 71 percent of people surveyed who achieved their resolution, slipped up at least once (and usually early on, in January). So go get back on your fitness horse. If you miss a day at the gym or give in to the temptation of a seductive slice of cheesecake, look at why you slipped up - maybe five days a week at the gym is too much with your schedule, maybe one dessert a week isn't a bad thing - and adjust if you think it will help you reach your goal, get back on your new lifestyle program and carry on.

Above all life is meant to be a balance and FUN. LIVE IT. HAPPY 2015 Everyone :)
Yours in Health and Fitness
Marg Anderson
Quote - “Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” - Cavett Robert:

Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Give the Gift Of Fitness This Christmas

#Unwrap a #better, #fitter you this #Christmas.
The #Gift of #Fitness is a great way to stay on track or start 2015 full of resolve, motivation and good health! 
Regenerate #PersonalTraining 
 #GiftVouchers are available as single sessions, or why not take advantage now of the December 10 block session discount.
Hurry this offer ends Dec 23.

 for details.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


 Be #Fitter #Stronger #Calmer this holiday season.
Join in the magic of #TaiChi #Yoga + #Pilates with Marg and Yasmin this Saturday for the #Christmas #Masterclass release of #BodyBalance67.
#Warehouse #Fitness #Centre #SouthFremantle 
 Take a sneek peek here!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


FITNESS AUSTRALIA approved program (5CEC’s) 
PLEASE NOTE - Pre requisites for participation are 
 Cert III Fitness /Group Exercise or Cert IV Fitness 
Contact Marg Anderson for registration application details

Monday, October 20, 2014


Get ready for a profound spiritual experience.
 An opportunity for an adventurous journey 
into your self!
Join a small group of like minded people to discover magnificent India with a daily Yoga and Meditation schedule.
Be quick only 2 spaces left available.
Please get in touch and book  before Dec 1st to  get a $350 discount.

Contact: mob. 0403710444 mob. 0430975488 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014





(member + casual users welcome)

Check the website for a great range of fun classes to attend on Saturday 25th Oct

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


BODYBALANCE® 66 is an ultra serene 55-minute experience to calm your mind and body.

You are invited  to join us on 
Wednesday 24th September 7.30pm at The Warehouse Fitness Centre, Hampton Rd 
South Fremantle 
for the launch of this class.

The music in this release is quite relaxed, the movements simple and flowing. Join in and let yourself fall deep into the trance of the practice. 
Let your focus become mindfulness and fill yourself with a sense of self and of peace.

BODY BALANCE 66  Sneak Peek

Sunday, August 17, 2014


 When was the last time you received GREAT customer service anywhere?

Last week I received some excellent customer service. The check out person smiled, asked how I’d like my items packed, how my day was and chatted throughout our transaction, they were genuinely interested, then even offered to carry the large items to my car! I walked away thinking that it had brightened a usually mundane task and I tried to remember the last time I received good service recently. I made a mental note to to go back to that store again in the future. It also made me mindful to re-check my own communication and customer service skills.

When did you last check in with yours?

Providing great customer service in the Fitness Industry is as important as your ability to write a great program and deliver an awesome PT session. It costs 5 to 6 times more to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one and happy customers tell 4 to 5 others of a positive experience while dissatisfied customers tell 9 to 12 about a bad service experience. So training to retain your clients with great service makes sense.

The basics of good customer service are indisputable – punctuality, effective communication skills, client liaison and follow up, empathy, eye contact, attentiveness and good body language. These service skills should automatically already be part of every personal trainer’s repertoire.

Our client’s time is extremely valuable, so we need to create a positive experience for them by keeping them happy and delivering what they want or expect during the training session and beyond. In other words set yourself apart and go the extra mile and give 100% to your clients. Clients will see that, hear about it and you will stand out on the gym floor. People will want to train with you and stick to you, a win win!

So here are some tips on how to go the extra mile and create a client centered approach to your personal training.


• Newsletters with recognition, events, birthdays, promotions, exercise articles

• Celebrate client birthdays with a card, text, call, email

• Use before and after shots to help motivate them

• Organise a client appreciation day where you have a special day for all your clients

• Set rewards for achievements

• Hold info evenings to educate your clients on nutrition and other health and fitness topics.


• Have variety in your training, mix exercises and venues

• Stay updated on exercises and the latest industry information

• Set goals and plan. Have regular goal setting sessions

• Have regular reassessments to show the client they are progressing.

• Have competitions and prize draws.

• Offer extra information relevant to their point of interest including articles, books, websites and other resources.

• Text your clients a motivational quote of the week

• Make a CD of your client’s favourite music and play it during their work out

• Engage in a charity event with your clients eg: City to Surf / Pink Ribbon Day

Understanding our clients and their needs is a great start to a lasting relationship. If we demonstrate passion, professionalism, a love for what we do and remain customer focused, you will do what’s right. It will radiate off you and project you as an awesome trainer!

Marg Anderson fitnessU  ProTrainer writes for Australian Fitness Network fitnessU - blog


Thursday, July 31, 2014


Are you interested in the Fitness Industry as a new career?
#fitnessU, powered by #AustralianFitnessNetwork has been providing #education for #PersonalTrainers and #Instructors since 1987 and is proud to have been pioneers in the field of #online #education for fitness! 
The online learning format, the national offering of Pro-Trainers as mentors, and flexible payment options, means you can complete your Cert III and IV qualifications anywhere, anytime, and at your own pace.

#fitnessU has a team of fully qualified, passionate and experienced #online  #Pro-Trainers that provide #students with proactive support throughout their course!

The #fitnessU #mentorprogram is a valuable arrangement that is included as part of an enrolled #fitnessU program.

#fitnessU  students are #mentored by experienced, knowledgeable, professional trainers (“Pro-Trainers”) from around the country.

The #fitnessU mentor program connects you – the learner – with a #Pro-Trainer who will share with you their experiences, expertise and industry knowledge.

A #fitnessU #Pro-Trainer is an experienced fitness professional who constantly challenges themselves and others to perform at their best and achieve visible and permanent change.

They value their independence and use their freedom to do what they want to do, be who they want to be and they display infectious energy that inspires others to be fitter and healthier.

Most importantly, they don’t just sit around and talk about it – instead, they GO FOR IT – in their career, in their life, consistently and constantly.

Marg Anderson has now become #fitnessU #Pro-Trainer / Mentor for Cert 3 Group Exercise and Cert III and IV Fitness online studies with Australian Fitness Network. 

If you are thinking of embarking on study to become a fitness professional why not give Marg a call 0405 447267 for more information or call 1300 00 FIT U on becoming an enrolled #fitnessU student.  GO FOR IT!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Marg Anderson's Perspective - Reflections of Fitness Industry Leaders

It was a lot of fun putting this article together for the June 2104 edition of #ozfitnetwork magazine.

The theme of The #FILEX2014 Fitness Convention in Melbourne this year was "Embracing Change."
Whether positive or negative, forced or chosen, change can open and close chapters in our life. 

With three decades in the Fitness Industry change has created many experiences for me both professionally and personally. Embracing those changes has brought reward, excitement, enrichment and opportunity.

I hope you enjoy reading this publication :)
Marg Anderson

Sunday, June 8, 2014


BODYBALANCE® is the Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates workout that builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm. Controlled breathing, concentration and a carefully structured series of stretches, moves and poses to music create a holistic workout that brings the body into a state of harmony and balance.

The new Body Balance 65 is a beautiful release with  an amazing track list.

Click on the link below for a seek peek of what to expect.

I will be launching this new release on Saturday June 28th 10.40am at the Warehouse Fitness Centre Hampton Road South Fremantle. 
Be the first to experience the calm + serenity of this new release.
Bring your yoga mat and begin the journey.

email  for more information

Saturday, May 24, 2014

'Himalayan Yoga Retreat & Trek' with Yak Trak.

 Immerse yourself in the totality 
of an amazing
'Himalayan Yoga Retreat & Trek' 
with Yak Trak.

The Himalayan Yoga Retreat & Trek in October this year is a new idea for Yak Trak, combining many of their favourite things into a 2 week program covering a week in retreat with yoga, meditation and kirtan followed by a week trekking in the mountains with outdoor yoga, meditation and campfire kirtan under the stars!
If this sounds like your cup of chai, have a look at the program here:

We are offering a discount coupon with $150 value for members of our newsletter group. Use this coupon code when making contact with Yak Trak and they will adjust the pricing if you go ahead with making a booking.
Remember to use this code upon booking - 

There is also a 10% early bird booking option available if your adventure is payed in full by end of June. This option is in lieu of the $150 reduction.

Also use this code for your 10% discount upon booking - MAYOGA150

Monday, April 7, 2014


Back from Melbourne and an absolutely amazing weekend at #FILEX2014 Fitness Convention. A very special honor to have won #OzFitnessNetwork Lifetime Achievement Award. 
It  has been a pleasure to be involved in an industry that  has evolved with knowledge and professionalism over time. 

Our growing industry now empowers us as fitness professionals to create lasting lifestyle changes for our clients and also provides an opportunity for us to remain educated, motivated and involved at any age.

A thank you to clients, co workers, mentors and friends and all those who have acknowledged and  contributed to my career over the's been very rewarding.

Thank you to Fitness Network for the award and to all the amazing delegates and presenters who went out of their way to say hi over the 3 days of # FILEX2014. 

The video / voice over link below is from the #FILEX2014 Convention Fitness Network Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony.....  my fitness journey over 30 years in pictures!  
I hope you enjoy it and have a few laughs at the old pics from way back!

Marg Anderson  
April 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014



Foam rollers are an excellent way to release muscle tension and break down tight fascia tissue which surround the muscle. Using this tool before your weight training can be of extreme assistance in releasing areas of tension increasing range of motion and in turn  maximizing  the benefits of the workout.
  In particular using the foam roller to help  alleviate  postural issues can be of great benefit to those who are constantly in repetitive seated positions.

Here are some tips on what type of rollers are available and how to make use of them.
Click this link for more info

Saturday, February 8, 2014


 What’s that? Speak up! Obesity makes you what?

In addition to the numerous other health problems associated with obesity, it seems that hearing may also suffer when the waistline expands.

Data collected over a 20-year period from 68,000 female participants in the Harvard Nurses' Health Study showed that one in six of the women suffered hearing loss during that timeframe.

A higher degree of hearing problems was reported by those with higher BMI (Body Mass Index) than in women in the lower weight range.

Obese women (BMIs between 30 and 39) were 17 to 22 per cent more likely to have experienced hearing loss than those with BMIs less than 25. Extremely obese individuals (BMI over 40) were found to be 25 per cent more likely to suffer hearing loss than ‘normal-weight’ women.

A similar correlation was also found between larger waist circumference and hearing loss. The findings still held after researchers took into account other factors known to affect hearing such as smoking, medication and diet.

The researchers found that exercise appeared to lower the risk of hearing loss, with women who walked for four or more hours each week exhibiting a 15 per cent lower risk for hearing loss than those study participants who walked for less than an hour a week.

Although no cause and effect was found between obesity and hearing loss, the researchers did voice their theories.

‘The ear is highly metabolically active, so that means it's really dependent on having adequate blood supply. Obesity and factors that obesity brings on may compromise blood flow to the cochlea (the hearing chamber of the inner ear)’ said study author Dr Sharon Curhan.

Commenting on the findings, Dr Michael Weitzman, a professor of environmental medicine and paediatrics at New York University who previously reported a link between obese teenagers and hearing loss, said ‘This is intriguing to me, and it is worrisome. [The new study] supports what we found. I think there's a reason to begin to think that this is a problem that's associated with obesity. You might want obese kids or adults who have ... academic problems to have their hearing checked.’

Source: American Journal of Medicine
 "Image courtesy of"

This year I want to be injury free

Something as simple as the way you stand can make you more prone to injury – yet many of us pay little attention to our feet, the masterpieces that enable us to get up and move. With more than 200,000 nerve endings and more than 25 per cent of your body’s bones, it’s a very complex system, with 70 per cent of the information your brain receives being sent via your feet.

Movement is a skill, and the foundation of skilled movement is proprioceptive feedback. Information from your skin, muscles and joints (mainly in your feet) is fed back to the brain to allow your body to adapt to the biomechanical loads and environmental cues experienced while moving.
By learning to walk (or stand for that matter) before you run, you can help to enable your body and brain to fulfill their evolutionary role: to walk and run efficiently, on demand and without injury throughout your lifetime. Sounds simple right? So why are up to 80 per cent of us injuring ourselves every year? The short answer is that we’ve forgotten how to run.

Australian Fitness Network footwear partners VIVOBAREFOOT offer specialised one-day technique courses through their barefoot technique certified coaches. Regarded as some of the world’s top coaches and leading medical professionals in their own right, Mark Green (The Body Mechanic) and Pete Garbutt (Enhance Running) offer one-on-one and group training clinics, respectively. In just one session you will undergo gait assessment and technique training that will give you the tools to help reduce injury and improve efficiency by re-training your body into a natural movement. Register your interest now at

And remember that as a Network Member you receive 30 per cent off the entire range of VIVOBAREFOOT shoes by entering promo code OZFITNET at the checkout when purchasing at

"Image courtesy of"

Free pelvic floor exercise App released

The Continence Foundation of Australia has released a new, free, safe-exercise app which aims to both prevent incontinence and enable people already experiencing problems to continue to exercise without further straining their pelvic floor or suffering embarrassing accidents.

The Pelvic Floor First app has three customised workouts to cater for people with a range of fitness levels and pelvic floor strength. The wide range of exercises have been designed by physiotherapist and fitness instructor Lisa Westlake to ensure people enjoy the benefits of a total-body workout without straining their pelvic floor.

Given the large numbers of people affected by incontinence and the close association between inappropriate exercise and incontinence, fitness professionals play a vital role in maintaining and improving clients’ pelvic floor function. Unfortunately, most people are too embarrassed to discuss bladder or bowel control problems with health and fitness professionals, so the app is a great way for instructors to raise the issue with individual clients or in group activities to ensure they are pelvic floor aware.

Features of the app include:
• Pelvic floor anatomy
• Where to get help with pelvic floor issues
• Instructional videos and audio for all workouts
• Detailed pictures and instructions for each exercise
• Pelvic floor muscle exercise guide
• Ability to save favourite exercises for personalised workouts
• Ability to exercise to your favourite songs
• Links to useful websites to learn more about your pelvic floor.

The Pelvic Floor First app is completely free, without the need for in-app purchases to access different levels.

The app, based on the Continence Foundation of Australia’s Pelvic Floor First website is suitable for smart phones and tablets and can be freely downloaded from iTunes and Google Play – so download it today and encourage your clients to do the same!

Source: Continence Foundation Australia
 "Image courtesy of"

Do friends influence your food choices?

A recent study review from the UK has highlighted the influence that peers can potentially exert on each other with regards both the type and quantity of food they choose to eat.

Lead investigator Eric Robinson from the University of Liverpool, said: ‘The evidence reviewed here is consistent with the idea that eating behaviours can be transmitted socially. Taking these points into consideration, the findings of the present review may have implications for the development of more effective public-health campaigns to promote healthy eating’.

Analysing findings from 15 studies, Robinson and his team found that people who believed that others were making either high or low-calorie food choices were considerably more likely to make the same choice. Similarly, those who believed that others were eating larger amounts of food were found to be more likely to follow suit and load up their plate.

Robinson said: ‘It appears that in some contexts, conforming to informational eating norms may be a way of reinforcing identity to a social group.’

Interestingly, the influence was noticeable even when people were not aware of the association, and when they were eating alone.

‘Norms influence behaviour by altering the extent to which an individual perceives the behaviour in question to be beneficial to them. Human behaviour can be guided by a perceived group norm, even when people have little or no motivation to please other people’ said Robinson.

Source: Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
 "Image courtesy of"

Nutrition Tip from The Healthy Chef

Chia seeds are a delicious source of omega 3 EFA’s (essential fatty acids) which are essential for good health. Benefits of omega 3 include helping to lower cholesterol levels, reduce high blood pressure, improve symptoms of arthritis and improve mental health (as the brain is 60 per cent fat and needs omega 3 to function properly). Chia works by slowing down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the system, enabling you to stay satisfied for longer, without peaks in blood sugar. To incorporate chia seeds into your diet, mix one part chia seeds with nine parts water and leave it for about fifteen minutes to make a mixture with a gel-like consistency. Add ¼ cup of this chia gel, or 1 tablespoon of whole chia seeds, to any green juice or power smoothie, such as the one below.

Serves 1
Time it takes: 5 minutes

1 cup (150g) pitted cherries, frozen
¼ cup (30g) frozen raspberries
1½ cups (375ml) coconut water (or your choice of almond milk, cashew milk, macadamia milk, walnut milk, pumpkin seed milk, natural yoghurt or kefir)
2 tablespoons (28g) Healthy Chef Pure Native WPI or Organic Pea Protein
1 tablespoon goji berries
1 tablespoon chia seeds
½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract or paste

Combine cherries, raspberries, coconut water, protein, goji berry, chia and vanilla into a high performance blender, e.g. Vitamix. Blend until smooth and creamy. Pour into a serving glass or jar and enjoy. Leftovers can be stored in glass jars in the fridge for an afternoon snack.

Nutrition per serve
Protein: 32g
Total fat: 2.9g
Saturated: 0.9g
Carbs: 24.3g
Fibre: 6.2g
Calories: 253
Kilojoules: 1060
Potassium: 1350

Add 1 probiotic capsule for digestive support.
Add LSA or ground flaxseed in place of chia seed if preferred.
Add 1 tablespoon cacao powder for a magnesium boost.
To powercharge your omega 3 intake use walnut milk in place of coconut water.

For healthy recipes and nutrition tips from The Healthy Chef visit
(All Information Supplied By Member Gymbag at
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