Sunday, August 17, 2014


 When was the last time you received GREAT customer service anywhere?

Last week I received some excellent customer service. The check out person smiled, asked how I’d like my items packed, how my day was and chatted throughout our transaction, they were genuinely interested, then even offered to carry the large items to my car! I walked away thinking that it had brightened a usually mundane task and I tried to remember the last time I received good service recently. I made a mental note to to go back to that store again in the future. It also made me mindful to re-check my own communication and customer service skills.

When did you last check in with yours?

Providing great customer service in the Fitness Industry is as important as your ability to write a great program and deliver an awesome PT session. It costs 5 to 6 times more to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one and happy customers tell 4 to 5 others of a positive experience while dissatisfied customers tell 9 to 12 about a bad service experience. So training to retain your clients with great service makes sense.

The basics of good customer service are indisputable – punctuality, effective communication skills, client liaison and follow up, empathy, eye contact, attentiveness and good body language. These service skills should automatically already be part of every personal trainer’s repertoire.

Our client’s time is extremely valuable, so we need to create a positive experience for them by keeping them happy and delivering what they want or expect during the training session and beyond. In other words set yourself apart and go the extra mile and give 100% to your clients. Clients will see that, hear about it and you will stand out on the gym floor. People will want to train with you and stick to you, a win win!

So here are some tips on how to go the extra mile and create a client centered approach to your personal training.


• Newsletters with recognition, events, birthdays, promotions, exercise articles

• Celebrate client birthdays with a card, text, call, email

• Use before and after shots to help motivate them

• Organise a client appreciation day where you have a special day for all your clients

• Set rewards for achievements

• Hold info evenings to educate your clients on nutrition and other health and fitness topics.


• Have variety in your training, mix exercises and venues

• Stay updated on exercises and the latest industry information

• Set goals and plan. Have regular goal setting sessions

• Have regular reassessments to show the client they are progressing.

• Have competitions and prize draws.

• Offer extra information relevant to their point of interest including articles, books, websites and other resources.

• Text your clients a motivational quote of the week

• Make a CD of your client’s favourite music and play it during their work out

• Engage in a charity event with your clients eg: City to Surf / Pink Ribbon Day

Understanding our clients and their needs is a great start to a lasting relationship. If we demonstrate passion, professionalism, a love for what we do and remain customer focused, you will do what’s right. It will radiate off you and project you as an awesome trainer!

Marg Anderson fitnessU  ProTrainer writes for Australian Fitness Network fitnessU - blog