Happy New Year from Regenerate Personal
Start Your New Year Fitness Resolutions Now.
2014 is the
Year to get back on track and get it right.
Block of 10 Personal Training session
discounts available.
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Here are some great tips on how to keep yourself on track from Gratitude Twenty Four Seven
Do your New Year’s resolutions start out strong but eventually
wither? Have you stopped making them because you don’t think you can keep them?
Don’t give up! Important change takes the discipline of a daily practice and a
clear intention. While it may not always feel easy, it’s totally worth the
effort. You enhance your self-esteem every time you honour your commitments in
word and deed. One of the most powerful things you can commit to doing for
yourself this year is decide to give yourself what you truly want and then
honour your word…
Quantum-leap upward.
Steve and Jarl