Wednesday, July 3, 2019


By Marg Anderson

Finding a work-life balance is a very popular topic at the moment. Do you feel that the time spent on work outweighs the time you have for self, family, friends, relaxation or exercise? With so many balls to juggle life generally can become quite overwhelming and stressful. Usually the first thing to be thrown out of balance are our schedules, self-time or exercise time. It is easy to get stuck in a daily routine. While unhealthy or unhappy routines are not good for your mind body and soul, healthy and balanced routines are wonderful!!

What does life balance really mean?
What would a balanced life look like to you? 
Most importantly, how do we go about achieving it in the midst of our crazy schedules?

The good news is that we can easily practice mindfulness, tune in to the pulse of our life, prioritise and take control.​

Creating balance isn’t about cramming in as many things as you can in your everyday life. It is important to take time out and look at all aspects of your life and decide what areas are most valuable to you and where you feel their is an imbalance. What actions can you take to prioritise these valuable areas of your life? Create a list of actions you would like to implement. Be realistic and set yourself up for success! Work through them one by one- no action is too small- making small, achievable changes in all aspects of your life will mean you are more likely to commit to them.

Listed below are 5 simple ideas you can adopt to start you on the journey to health, well-being and to help bring your lifestyle into balance.


Turning off your devices for just a few hours each day has great benefits. Improved sleep, lower anxiety, better social connections and being more present in the current moment.
This is an easy way to help balance out time with your partner or family when you have strong work commitments. You can still work at home in the evenings/weekends if necessary but perhaps you can put aside a set time when you can focus all your attention on your loved ones. This way you are 100% present for the time you do have with them and the quality of the time is much higher.
Perhaps the whole family can try phone stacking for an hour so each night over dinnertime? (placing all your devices in a designated place for the agreed time frame.) Alternatively, on weekends, totally commit to watching the kids weekend sport without checking your phone.


If your schedule is overflowing and trying to manage it all is exhausting you then its time to set some boundaries. SAY NO to everything that is either not essential or doesn’t add something valuable to your life. This is easier said than done but it’s time to be ruthless! Get yourself a calendar and REALISTICALLY schedule your time. Include basic non-negotiables like ‘lunch time’ and ‘travel time’ in between commitments. Then add in the extras and if it doesn’t fit, then it’s a NO. This way you can be present at the events you do attend, without distraction or constantly thinking about “what’s next” or rushing to a following commitment.


Toxins can be anything that has an adverse effect on your life, mind , body and soul. It is time to shut out any negative influences. 
The people who drag you down instead of lift you up- complainers, whiners, poor attitudes. Minimise your exposure to these people as much as you can. Surround yourself with positive, supportive, happy people instead!
Social media accounts that don’t add value to your life and make you feel bad about yourself. Unfollow!
Negative thoughts that creep in when you’re not looking. Practice gratitude. If you are a morning person- when you wake up think of 1 thing that you are grateful for. If you are a night person- before bed. You can just think it or you can say it out loud/ tell your partner/ write it down. Do this every day and it quickly becomes easier and easier. There is no wrong answer! When you begin, it may be things like 'sunshine' and 'the ocean' but you will quickly move onto to more specific and heartfelt ones.
Do at least one thing every day that makes you happy- if you think you will forget schedule it into your calendar or set yourself a reminder on your phone. 


Your health is bound to affect the other aspects of your life. It’s important to invest in your physical and mental wellbeing, for yourself and your family. Eat healthy, get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and work out regularly. Regular exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. With so many gyms, studios, on line classes and open-air facilities around these days it’s easy to find an activity you may like.
Exercise and its ability to reduce stress has been long known, however new research shows how physical activity impacts our work-life balance. Commitment to fitness was shown to increase feelings of competence, which extended to the workplace and home life. Regular exercise was also seen to be effective at empowering people to deal with life issues, resulting in less stress, greater productivity and overall a more happy, more balanced lifestyle.​
Signing up for a class isn’t always necessary. Just start by making a commitment to yourself that you will do some sort of regular activity each day.
If you’re new to exercise or don’t enjoy it use my 5-minute rule. Commit to just 5mins. Usually the first 5mins is the hardest. Once the endorphins start to kick in you usually find you already feel better already and that 5min can be increased easily!
You can simply make time during your day for some incidental fitness like a quick walk at lunch time or make an effort to take the stairs regularly or walk + talk to another co-worker rather than email them. By simply adding these small changes each day you will become more productive, less stressed, feel happier, have less aches and pains and sleep better! 
Or if you feel you need more support to make the change, you can always seek the services of a qualified lifestyle wellness coach or fitness professional.


Every now and again take time out for yourself…that’s right some YOU time. Remember the calendar we talked about earlier? Schedule in some “you time”. Weather it is once a week or once a month, be consistent. Block the time out and book yourself into whatever you feel like you need. 
Get a pedicure or a facial, watch your favourite sport, schedule a massage or take some time in the countryside or a long walk along the beach.
It doesn’t need to be costly even a small treat like a glass of wine, your favourite coffee or tea, a delightfully scented candle, or time alone to read your favourite book / magazine can start to improve your health which improves all aspects of life.
You may even want to treat yourself to one of Marg’s specialty 
Life In Balance VINO VINYASA classes!!The next one is coming up May 30th.


Remember to laugh, joke, play, find your sense of humour. Be kind to yourself- when you're happy everything seems like it’s finally IN BALALNCE.

Marg works as a Cert IV Personal Trainer / Yoga Instructor and Certified Lifestyle / Wellness Coach with over 30yrs industry experience and is a WA and National Fitness Industry award winner. Marg works towards helping people establish, prioritise and implement change into their everyday lives to help them come back to a more balanced place. Head over to Regenerate Personal Training, the Ultimate Fusion of Fitness and Wellbeing, to learn more or contact Marg for more information about living a more balanced life!

Written for Inner Wild Conscious Beauty

Wednesday, April 10, 2019



Did you know that Perth has been experiencing Sunset Rooftop VinoVinyasa™ classes since Sept 2017 and loving it!
What could be more fun than this?
A great new class designed to incorporate yoga, fitness, fun + wine all in one night!
Flow, breathe, relax and sip your way through a yoga class accessible for all levels of fitness with upbeat music and a friendly environment suitable for first-timers or experienced yogis.
This concept truly brings it all together on the mat.
Marg from Vino Vinyasa wants you to know that there is a Life is to be lived, Yoga to be practised and Wine to be appreciated. So….Wine Yoga? Wine Not? It’s all about balance!

We all know that yoga and wine are great stress relievers. Wine and Yoga might sound like a strange pairing, but it’s more common than you might think. 

Perth has been experiencing Sunset Rooftop VinoVinyasa™ classes since Sept 2017 and loving it! What could be more fun than this? A great new class designed to incorporate yoga, fitness, fun + wine all in one night! Flow, breathe, relax and sip your way through a yoga class accessible for all levels of fitness with upbeat music and a friendly environment suitable for first-timers or experienced yogis. This concept truly brings it all together on the mat.

The word “Yogi” conjures many thoughts for people. My interpretation is to live a healthy, balanced life that enables me to connect positively to my own life and the life of my participants, indulging in life’s pleasures occasionally.
YOGA is such a buzzword or thing right now right? 

We see social media going crazy depicting yoga poses that the average person reels at and actively wants to avoid. We see Goat Yoga classes springing up, Dog / Puppy Yoga, Cat / Kitten Yoga (yes I teach this one too for the love of felines and CatHavenWA). So why not Wine Yoga or as I have registered my business “VinoVinyasa™”? A class that’s achievable for everyone complete with a little end reward!

On first consideration, drinking and yoga may seem rather incompatible and may seem like an unlikely blend, however there is a parallel / connection between the benefits of being on the mat and an occasional wine. You may have reservations about combining the two but you’ll soon come to try, taste and trust that: these two contrasting activities can actually come together to create a truly relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

Appreciation of the finer things in life can be a beautiful balance of many elements. Time on the yoga mat whether as a participant or as an instructor doesn’t mean you cannot indulge in life’s pleasures…yes like drinking wine. Even the yoga guru Deepak Chopra has published an article on the benefits of an occasional wine! Yoga has many benefits and when practised over time mindfully will bring you to a wonderful state of greater awareness and bliss.  If consumed moderately Wine may provide some health benefits but when consumed mindfully via meditation it provides a blissful state of appreciation and awareness.

The Wine mediation becomes a sensual appreciation of all the process that lovingly brought the fruit of the vine to that particular moment. From the planting of the vines to the bottled result, from the glass in your hand to the appreciation of our sense of sight, smell and taste. From the colour and viscosity, to the aroma, to finally the sensation on our tongues and finally the sensation of allowing the first sip to enter our body. Allowing full appreciation of each sip to mindfully and totally immerse in the meditation and sensations that arise.

In today’s society there is huge need for more people to exercise. Vino Vinyasa is a creative way to include some work / life / wellness / balance to the mix. Pairing yoga and wine is a great way to “wine down” as we say at VinoVinyasa after a long week at work, time with the kids, running your own business or just living life. It’s a way to spend time with friends, and enjoy a great yoga class and a relaxing meditative wine appreciation savasana at the end.

Renewing yourself, living consciously and having fun are important. Focusing on what makes you feel good in an environment where you can combine some of life’s little indulgences whatever the activity can only be a positive step towards allowing your self to stop and smell the grapes for a while! So practice yoga with fun and appreciate your wine with respect and in moderation. Whatever brings them to the mat I say; something is always better than nothing. Life is to be lived, Yoga is to be practised and Wine it to be appreciated.

So….Wine Yoga? Wine Not? It’s all about balance!
See you on the mat.
Marg Anderson